What’s In A Name?!  #IAmTeamBeachbody


This has been something that has been in the back of my mind for a while now, but it came to the forefront last week, after a conversation I had with somebody and then, funny enough, I was reminded of it again with something I saw online today (the I AM TEAM BEACHBODY movement – more on that in a sec…)…

But, first, back to the conversation that prompted this… I was speaking with someone on a completely different topic and then he asked how my coaching business was going. I said it was going great and then he said “So, you’ve got a trip coming up?”, to which I responded “Yes, I’ve earned a trip to the Dominican” ? and he said “Oh, so all you Beachbody coaches can be down there strutting around on the beach all comparing to see who has the best body and then feeling insecure when you look at somebody else that you think has a better body than you….”. Wait. WHAT?! ??. [Did he really just say that?!]. Yes, sadly, he did.

I was completely flabbergasted and quite honestly ANNOYED ? For SO MANY reasons.

First of all, as COACHES that is not what we are like AT ALL. I take tremendous pride in my coaching business and in what I do for people. It is NOT about helping people get a “beach body” nor is it about comparing ourselves to others. My focus as a coach is all about EMPOWERING women to FEEL BETTER about themselves, feel healthier, happier and more confident by FOCUSING ON THEIR HEALTH not by focusing on their beach body. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong either with somebody wanting to work on themselves to achieve a better body – nothing at all. Whether you are working on yourself because you want to lose weight because you NEED TO in order to get healthier ❤️ or because you WANT TO look better in your bathing suit ?- that’s ALL okay. But the point is that we are all on our own journeys and we are doing this for ourselves, not to compare to somebody else.

I GET that the name of the company can be misleading – ?BEACHBODY?…But, for those that are not aware what Beachbody it… it is an American company that has developed amazing health and fitness products and programs over the years. It is a company that is built on integrity and hard work. Their mission is “Help people achieve their goals and live a healthy, fulfilling life.” ?? Helping to end the trend of obesity in North America #endthetrend

Beachbody as a company does the research and development and produces the INCREDIBLE products. Beachbody COACHES (yes, I am PROUDLY one of them!) utilize those products and find a program that is right for every person, that will allow them to achieve their goals (whatever they may be). We help and support them along the way.

I feel PROUD that I am part of Beachbody – the products work, the products change lives and what we are doing as coaches – we are MAKING A DIFFERENCE in people’s lives. Some people may see this as a bold statement – but, when I hear somebody tell me that I have helped them to change and “have given their children their mommy back” or “have given their husband their wife back” or have just given them their spark for life back because they now feel comfortable in their own skin….. ? THOSE THINGS brings me to tears. And I know without a doubt that I am absolutely doing what I was meant to do – it just took me fourty-something years to find it…

As I mentioned, this thought was prompted for me by a conversation I had last week, but then funny enough, today, I came across this #IAmTeambeachbody movement. So, it’s all kind of perfect timing.

?One of the top coaches in the network started this hashtag within her team, wanting to share the message about what Beachbody has done for people and so people started sharing their stories and sharing the impact that Beachbody has had on their life. And like most good things on the internet, it has started to take off like crazy. And then… just another example of what a fabulous company Beachbody is – when the corporate leaders caught wind of this, they started capturing all the stories and stayed in the office overnight to print them all out and they then plastered the walls of their office with these stories. Seriously. How amazing is that?! Here’s a little video of that. SUCH an amazing story and an amazing caring company.

?Everyone has a story. For me, I am proud that Beachbody Is part of my story.?

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