Changing Lives

If you think that it’s too late for you to make a real change in your life, or the lives of others…here’s just a small sampling of the proof that there is hope!  It is NEVER too late.

If the quotes below sound like the way that you’d like to be able to help someone or if you’d like to make these kind of changes yourself, then we need to talk! Simply CONTACT ME to get started!


Day 22 on the 3rd round of the 21Day Fix.  I have always been a pretty healthy eater and always exercised…mostly running everyday.  Last July I realised I could not continue running and decided that I had to choose another form of exercise that would give me the same feeling that running did.  A friend had introduced me to Zita through email and I was hooked on her positivity and her own journey with Beachbody.  I decided to do my own thing starting last July and worked out faithfully everyday and kept joining Zita’s 5 day free groups.  I was encouraged by so many people who were dedicated to a healthier lifestyle and women who were making time for themselves in otherwise very busy lives.  In October I bought the 21Day Fix and joined the group for November.  I LOVE it! I look forward to everyone’s comments and encouraging words.  I love seeing everyone’s journey.  I really didn’t have weight to lose but wanted to tone up.  I will be 50 in August and wanted to prove to myself that 50 does not have to be frumpy! I did end up losing about 4 lbs but gained so much muscle tone.  I feel stronger and healthier and even my skin looks better after all the water.  Thanks to all of you for your pictures and words and encouragement.  You are all Rockstars!!  Thank you Zita too for always answering my questions and steering me in the right direction.  Can’t wait for next week!!!

~Juanita M.


It’s day 22! Whew – what a journey.  Here are my reflections/results over the last three weeks:

1. Overall I’m down 14 lbs and roughly 18 inches from day 1 and I’m thrilled (and shocked)!  A LOT of work to do still, but I’m so happy (still shocked).

2. I like my body more – not because of lost weight or inches (I still have those insecurities – I think most women do!).  But, for years, my body has been betraying me with pain and it really affected my mood … I won’t be able to control future attacks, but I’m doing what I can to make it better.  That’s empowering.

3. I ate pretty well before this started – not perfectly, but well.  This plan gives me a list of rules to work – and that helps me focus and stay on track. Planning ahead and prepping has made it easy to stick to.

4. Digestion and sleep have improved. I skipped a lot of meals before this and used to get heartburn when I didn’t eat.  I haven’t had heartburn once since I started this.

5. I look forward to working out.  Still don’t love early mornings, but it’s helped my early-day energy.  And I despise burpees with the fire of a thousand suns…but I dig the rest.

6. The accountability group format works so well for me – I was very skeptical, but I look forward to reading all of your posts each day and sharing my own.  Not only is Zita an awesome coach and my bestie is part of the group (who has been super supportive – thanks girl!), you ladies are all amazing. You are all strong supportive, badass women and I’m proud to be a part of you.

7. I’m hella stronger than I was and that’s improving every day – I joke about swearing at Autumn, but I really did.  I didn’t think I could do it – especially after that first day.  But I did and I know I can do more – helllooo confidence!

I look forward to continuing this with you all!

~Angie B.


Hi Lovely Ladies!  I’ve been thinking long, hard, and often about this post.  It has been such an enlightening experience being able to share, learn, and understand the similar, and different, struggles that we all face as women, mothers, wives – balancing home, career, spouses, illnesses, children and always leaving ourselves off that list. 

Even now, as I type this, I almost forgot to add “ourselves” to that list; the List that we all wake up with in the morning and go to bed with at night, the list that never ends and has seemed for many too long and too infinite to think of.

It took me 4 months of silent FB following followed by another 4 months of fence-sitting to take the plunge with Zita but also to take the plunge for myself – the truth wasn’t that I didn’t want to exercise or eat well but rather that I didn’t want to fail…again…at making my health a priority.
I joined a 5-day “free” trial Accountability Group and loved the camaraderie.  The natural flow into a month long program proved perfect and that has flowed into another.  I completely underestimated what this experience would do for my confidence, my overall happiness, my personal PRIDE, and my outlook on each and every day.

Thank you Zita for being such an OPEN example – had you not openly shared your journey I would not be typing this post.  Congratulations on your personal success and what it is bringing you – you DESERVE it.

~Karagh M.


Day 22 – Reflecting on this first round of 21 day fix, I’m feeling proud as I committed every day and really did follow the plan. I’ve been on the fence about sharing before/after photos as they are in my bikini. Not a photo I typically post for all to see but I’m going to be fearless as 3 weeks really can make a difference and I’m feeling good. I’m excited and optimistic to see how much more I can transform my body and the way I feel about it. Coming into this I really didn’t know what to expect and honestly was a little skeptical that I’d feel/look much different after only 3 weeks (sorry Zita Dove!). I choose to trust the program and a group of total strangers and I am thankful for this group as it’s helped motivate me and for Zita cheering us along. It does make a difference!!! I measured up yesterday and I’m down 7″, 4.5lbs and feeling stronger. Looking at Zita’s list of non-scale victories, I do think I’m less cranky and more patient. Same size pants but they fit better now. I also haven’t been as worried about messing my back up again because I’m stronger – this is a big deal for me as when it was bad it was debilitating. Paired with the fix I’ve been cutting back on working at night and trying to get more consistent sleep. Hope to see lots of you in the next group.   

~Katie L.



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