Be The Change
I am in love with my new necklace ❤️ and it is definitely a purchase that was meant to be.
This morning before the kids and I headed off to the market, I was doing a video for the ladies in my accountability group about change….
Change is DIFFICULT. There is no doubt. And not everyone wants to change. And that’s ok. If you’re happy with where you are in life, then that’s perfectly alright. But so many of us aren’t truly fulfilled – whether it’s with our careers, our fitness or any other area. And if you’re not happy, guess what… it’s up to you to make a change.
Something I shared with them this morning…
If you’re going to make a change, there are a few things you can almost be guaranteed to expect…
??there will be uncertainty – but you just need to have faith
??not everyone will like it or understand – and that’s ok
??it wil be tough
But if you truly want change, if you want to achieve your goals – no matter what they are – you have to have faith and persevere.

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