About Me

Hello and THANK YOU for visiting my page!! To give you a little bit of background on me… I am a 40-something single mom to two amazing kids – a boy and a girl – and a somewhat crazy cat lady mom to my big grey furball my Persian cat Charlie – who almost always appears in my workout videos ?

I live in Nova Scotia, one of the Atlantic Provinces on the east coast of Canada ??

I work a full time day job as an engineer, but my true passion is my online health and fitness coaching business. I kind of fell into this business in the fall of 2015, when I first joined an online accountability group myself (with MY coach).

I’ve ALWAYS loved to eat – food, give me ALL the food ?? – sweets, treats, pastries, chocolate, wine… ??????? ugh…… I LOVE to eat…

And that was all ok in my twenties and even through most of university as I was active and I apparently had a high metabolism. Then when the weight started to creep on a bit, I just started to exercise more.  But sadly, I ONLY exercised to try to outrun my bad diet.

I knew nothing about eating well to nourish my body and exercising to be healthy.

Then, after a couple of kids and with increased age, I really started to notice the weight piling on. About five years ago, I first discovered “clean eating” and started to realize that you don’t have to count calories or points but you DO have to eat real food, good healthy nutritious food ??

However, without a support system, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy eating regime.

THEN everything changed for me when I discovered my coach online (oh the power of social media)… ?. I saw her working out every day and eating well, smiling from ear to ear and talking about how she helped women just like me learn to do the same thing. So I decided to try her group. And it was like the lightbulb ?went on and I’ve never looked back.




When the three go hand in hand, it becomes so simple…. it’s not easy. If it was easy, everyone would just do it; but it IS simple. And with the support of a coach and an online group of other like-minded ladies, it becomes easier than ever before.

So after my own success with the online groups, I decided to pay it forward myself and now I am a coach and I couldn’t be happier that I made that decision.

I STILL enjoy some wine and chocolate ?? (because let’s be real… completely depriving yourself NEVER works long term), but I now know how to nourish my body with good healthy food. I workout ?? 5-6 times a week (for 30 minutes only – that’s ALL you need if your workouts are effective) and I work with tons of women to teach them how to do the same and achieve that balance between getting healthy and feeling good and having the body that you’re comfortable with and still being able to enjoy yourself too. For more details on what I offer as a coach, please click on the “Get Started” button on the home page.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Bahia

    You are an inspiration. Love you. ❤

  2. Zita

    Thank you. As are you. XO

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